Employee Recognition—Still Relevant

Here at Industry Today, we’ve been covering the talent shortage in manufacturing for quite some time. The latest example is how many states are facing a nearly 90% jobs deficit.

So you might be wondering what companies have been doing all these years to address it. I’ve been wondering myself, particularly since I just came across a Gallup article about the importance of employee recognition to attract and keep top performers. But here’s the thing: this article was originally published eight years ago and was just recently updated.

It seems the more things change the more they stay the same: “At any given company, it’s not uncommon for employees to feel that their best efforts are routinely ignored. Further, employees who do not feel adequately recognized are twice as likely to say they’ll quit in the next year. This element of engagement and performance might be one of the greatest missed opportunities for leaders and managers…to increase productivity and loyalty to the company, leading to higher retention.” 

I’ve been running a business for quite some time, well over a quarter of a century. Granted I’m not operating with thousands of employees over multiple locations, but recognizing people for their accomplishments isn’t something I need a Gallup report to tell me. It’s just how you treat people. It’s why many of the people working here at Industry Today, as relatively small as we are, have been with me since the beginning, accounting for over a hundred years of collective industry experience that helps make us the media platform of choice for industry.

How does your organization recognize its people and what role do you think it plays in retaining your talent? Please see our editorial guidelines.

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